Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What? You're missing a Tooth!!

Thats right! Aida is missing a tooth. I know what you're thinking, she's too little to lose a tooth. And you're right! She did not lose it the good ol' fashion way... NOOOOO!! She did it with style- the Cordeau way!
Brian and I are very talented, we have lots of great skills. However, Grace is not one of them. Brian and I are two of the most clumsy people you will ever meet, so it is no doubt that our beautiful children would inherit this unfortunate gene. We have by the Grace of God been very fortunate that we have not had any worse accidents up until now. 16 months is a long time to go with out any major problems. But our 16 mos accident free record flew right out the window yesterday.
Aida was running down the drive way yesterday morning while we were loading up to go to school. She fell (like she often does) and only shed about two tears. And was ready to go again. So she gets in the car, and i hand her her ego and we are on our way. We get to school and I notice that she has a goose egg on her forehead, and her knees are skinned up. But she is good to go. She goes to school, has a great day. I was sure to tell her teacher to watch for signs and symptoms of head injury. Her teacher is a registered nurse, so she knows exactly what to look for. So Im not concerned. I pick them up from school and she is fine. They did all kinds of fun stuff including coloring a picture. So its when Im on the floor talking to her and Low and Behold.... she is missing her front tooth!!! So I go into mommy panic mode and begin to call pediatrician and the dentist and whoever else will answer their phone. Luckily only a few people answered and had to listen to my crazy rambling about what a horrible mother i am...blah blah blah.
So we take her to the dentist and he feels around, and looks and she bites his finger and he says that she is OK. And it looks like it just got pushed back up through her gums. And that it should eventually emerge again like a normal tooth. So that was good news. Because let me tell you i was already trying to mortgage my house to afford flippers for her to wear until she was 9 and that big girl tooth came in. Rest assure, my house is not on the market, and my pretty little lady will get her tooth back as quickly as it disappeared. And her mommy is doing much better today. I dont feel like the worst mom in the world any more.
Thank you for all your emails, concerning phone calls, and prayers. They are so appreciated. God knows these little girls need lots of prayers, look at who their parents are.



Anonymous said...


MOM said...

She takes after her daddy in the tooth department. Ask him if he remembers Dennis the Menace Park and the Roller Racer! Glad everything is ok.

MOM said...

She takes after her daddy in the tooth department. Ask him if he remembers Dennis the Menace Park and the Roller Racer! Glad everything is ok.

Brian said...

That's my girl, how could I forget the Roller Racer incident LOL, still have the dead tooth to prove it :)

faith&grace said...

Oh no! Poor thing. At least she took it like a champ! Sorry I couldn't chat earlier. It was a hell of a day and I woulda called but was phone-less all day thanks to princess DROOL face! Anyway, I got a new phone so I will holler at ya Sunday (Saturday is entirely too busy this week!) xoxo Give my girls some sugar for me!