Monday, July 14, 2008

Road Trippin....

This weekend we took the girls on their first road trip!!!! it was great, we went to houston to visit my parents and grandma (the girls great grandma) and she was so excited to see them. The girls did great, they slept all the way from San Antonio to Houston even through the gas station stops. Then when we got there they ate and slept good as well, makes the grandparents think they do this all the time LOL. Kristi and I got to go on a couple of "dates" out to lunch and searching for an iPhone :) (unsuccessfully i might add) and Kallison and Aida got to get spoiled. They even got some more clothes from Grandmolly, Nanny, Jan and May, they are going to be (I mean already are) so spoiled. They are also on some new formula which has helped them out a lot, they may have some sort of cow milk allergy. Well time for a movie, it has been a long day. I figure we will be unpacked just in time for the next trip in August to Midland :).

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