Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kicking mommy!!!

The girls pretty much have a sleep and wake cycle down. and get very agitated when it is not followed the way they want it to be. They usually sleep pretty late, well i think that they are sleeping, whatever they are doing they dont usually start moving around where I can feel them until about 10am. They are late sleepers like mommy. And this morning was my day off and we usually have a pretty set routine which is why i guess they sleep until 10. And the things that i do until then must be soothing to them. Well this am around 6am, i'm laying in bed and brian is getting ready for work, and kimi, who has the highest pitch bark starts barking and wakes up Kallison, and let me tell you that Kallison was not happy at all. She startled and jumped. That then woke up Aida and the rest is history. Mommy got no more sleep this morning without being kicked.