Friday, September 25, 2009

No more snuggles...

So for 17 months the girls have not slept apart. Until Now. Apparently they have decided that eating human is ok and we have entered the biting stage head on!!! Both girls are participants, and only seem to want to bite each other and sometimes us. So because they sometimes get frustrated with each other while they are in the same bed and the only way to solve those frustrations are to bite, they have now started sleeping in their own beds. They sleep fine. Then they talk to each other and do stuff and laugh. So im really the one that has a hard time with this. Im really sad actually. I think that i am going rearrange their furniture so that they can at least touch each other, just in case they miss each other.


Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that these things are usually harder on the parents than they are on the kids. Watching kids grow up is exciting, but it also means that they are not babies any more.