Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Aint no Mountain High Enough....

So the girls have been climbing everything for a while now. But yesterday we hit an all time record. My sweet angels have showed me their courage, strength, (mentally and physically), persistency, fearlessness, and stubbornness all in one act. Amazing little girls they are. About a week ago the girls learned to climb on their tallest dresser. Well this now distracts them from nap time and they take everything out of the drawers and it is just a real nightmare for mommy and I get beyond frustrated. Aside from it being dangerous. Well over the weekend, we had our usual power struggles about nap time and Kallison got her leg stuck in the drawer and was dangling upside down, naked from the 2nd drawer in her dresser. Scared me to death. I thought she broken her leg, it was horrible. I did not handle the situation well to say the least. Well the next day, I hear "ouchie, ouchie, mommy, mommy" so after a while i venture back in their room for about the 8th time during which should have been their nap time. And low and behold, my littlest lady (Aida) was hanging from her curtain rod. Naked. Kallison is sitting on the dresser, naked, playing with a toy. So that night, Brian screwed the drawers shut. ALL bottom drawers screwed shut. I thought, well we have two drawers on top for clothes they will never be able to reach them. Perfcet! HA... yesterday in again what should have been nap time. I go to check on them and THEY are sitting on top of the dresser. naked. Last night we had to remove the dresser. They might get it back one day, Im not so sure though.
All I can do is laugh to keep from crying. They are so amazing, smart, problem solvers, that im just excited to see what happens next. And as I dad, Brian encourages this independent, fearless behavior, as do I to an extent. But then the mom kicks in and I think "If you fall off that 5ft dresser you are going to get hurt". And then the nurse kicks in and evaluates all the potential injuries that could occur from this kind of reckless behavior.
Welcome to having two 2 year olds is what my mom says. Thanks!!!