Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ok we need answers

Ok we need suggestions as to what to carry in our Diaper Bags, in the comments leave a list of what you carry or carried in your diaper bag(s). On a side note Kristi has a really fancy one, but she forgot to put diapers in it...LOL sorry honey had to let the people know, love you though :).

Comment away!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kristi I've got your back on this one as I forgot diapers on time also, must be more stressful for you since you have 2 babies to keep track of.
Anyway, I usually would pack diapers, wipes, extra pacificers, empty bottles and pre-measured formula in a baggie good for at least 3 meals, (if you're supplementing) an extra outfit (or 2) and some sanity!
So basically that would be double since you have 2 babies.
Hopefully that helps. Its right about now I'm wishing we lived closer to each other so I could come over and help out as needed.
Take care of yourself and those angels!
your friend,

John Van Pay said...

loved holding Aida and seeing Kallison's big blue eyes! You are blessed and we celebrate with you.

Steph will have to comment here, but I would suggest directions on how to do the burrito wrap with the little blankets.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, I am a fellow gateway member, I am also the mother of twin girls who are now two. I remember my girls stay in the hospital being one of the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I am so glad to hear that your girls are home now. Remember to always keep a change of clothes in the diaper bag. Also have an emergency kit in the car with diapers wipes and clothes just in case you do forget something, it will be in your trunk! When you are insanely tired and sleep seems like a hopeless dream try and remember they will only be teeny for a short time try to enjoy every moment. Congradulations!!!! there is nothing like having children, and having twins is beyond measure. Please let me know if you all need anything, I have been there. Even if it is just to talk. Have Fun!!!!! Best wishes
Emily Cass

Anonymous said...

I would definitely invest in some disposable changing pads that you can put down on the public restroom changing stations in case of emergency. Also, sanitizing spray and hand gel! (I don't want my beautiful nieces dealing with others' germs!) :)

So glad they're home. Love you all and am keeping you in our prayers. I hope you are getting some rest!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian and Kristi,
Here are the things i used to carry. Salma

Diaper Rash Ointment
Changing Mat
Extra dresses (at least 2 sets)
Fever Medicine
Acidity Medicine
Extra clean bottles
Pure Water
Extra Formula (baby food after 5mos)
Napkins or Washcloths

Anonymous said...

Hey there guys! I'm afraid my memories of 20+ years ago aren't that great and let's face it...I didn't often pack the bag! HOWEVER...since we do live in the time of the internet...and you can find ANYTHING on the internet!'s a list that came from that looks like itcovers the essentials. The index cards seemed like a really good idea...and in an emergency, they could always be used as a grocery list for when you remove things from the bag.

Good Luck!

___ Diapers: Take more than you think you'll need, as many as one for every hour of your outing. Better safe than sorry!

___ Small box or travel pack of wipes: These aren't just for baby, but for your hands, too.

___ A tube of barrier cream or diaper-rash cream

___ Several cloth diapers or other cloths for burping, spit-up, and other messes

___ An extra shirt, pants, and pair of socks for baby

___ An extra shirt for you

___ Baby sunblock

___ Baby's bottle, if she uses one -- to keep things sanitary, you might put the nipple in a plastic bag

___ At least one toy

___ A favorite comfort object

___ If baby is on solids, a container of baby food and a baby spoon, or else a container of snacks, such as cereal or crackers

___ A bib

___ Two extra pacifiers (if baby uses them) stored in a clean plastic bag

___ A cell phone for emergencies

___ An index card with your name, address, and phone number, should the bag get lost

___ An index card with the pediatrician's number, a neighbor's number, and a number where your spouse or one of baby's grandparents can be reached

___ A changing pad -- many diaper bags come with one

___ A few large plastic bags for sealing and tossing dirty diapers, or taking home soiled clothes

___ Water and a snack for you